vehicle chassis number search, how to check vehicle Owner details, how to find the engine number, vehicle registration, how to find vehicle details, and owner name by number plate. Find Vehicle Details by Number Plate
The chassis number can be used to find details about the vehicle e it was manufactured for, such as the year, company, model, engine number, fuel type, etc. This guide provides answers to questions such as “How can I check vehicle details online?”, “How can I find vehicle details by registration number or license plate?”, and “How can I check the fuel type of a vehicle online?”.
Search Owner Name By Vehicle Number
Vehicle Search – It provides a nationwide search over the digitized data of Registered Vehicles. Register a vehicle and see its details.
- A full or partial registration number
- Chassis No
- Engine No
- Type of Body
- Fuel Type
- Color
- Name of Manufacturer
- Make/Model etc.
RTO Vehicle Info | Find Vehicle Owner Details Online All State: Find Vehicle Details by Number Plate
Locations | Vehicle Code | Locations | Vehicle Code |
Andhra Pradesh | AP | Arunachal Pradesh | AR |
Assam | AS | Bihar | BR |
Chhattisgarh | CG | Goa | GA |
Gujarat | GJ | Haryana | HR |
Himachal Pradesh | HP | Jammu and Kashmir | JK |
Jharkhand | JH | Karnataka | KA |
Kerala | KL | Madhya Pradesh | MP |
Maharashtra | MH | Manipur | MN |
Meghalaya | ML | Mizoram | MZ |
Nagaland | NL | Odisha | OD |
Punjab | PB | Rajasthan | RJ |
Sikkim | SK | Tamil Nadu | TN |
Tripura | TR | Uttar Pradesh | UP |
Uttarakhanad | UK | West Bengal | WB |
Telangana | TS |
VAHAN Services on Vahan parivahan website provides online
Find Vehicle Details Online Vehicle Search provides a nationwide search of registered vehicle details.
Online services from Vahan Parivahan are provided on the website
Here is a list of the services you can do online using VAHAN’s website: Find Vehicle Owner Details Online
- Vehicle Registration
- New Vehicle Registration
- Renewal of Registration
- Transfer of Ownership
- Change of Address etc.
- Permit
- Issue of National & Interstate Permit
- Renewal of Permit
- Taxes
- State-wise tax calculation & Payment
- Fitness
- Issue of Fitness Certificate
- Renewal of Fitness Certificate
- Enforcement
- Issue of Challan
- Settlement of Penalty Amount
To check vehicle details online
- visit the Vahan parivahan website
- and select “know your vehicle details.
- Enter your mobile number and vehicle number, then click “search vehicle.
- All information on the vehicle, including the register number, fuel type, chassis number, engine number, and owner name, will appear on the screen.
How to search Vehicle chassis numbers Online
To find vehicle owner details online in Maharashtra (Taking as Example).
- first, visit the Vahan Parivahan website at Parivahan.

- Select your state and RTO, then click on the Proceed button.
- Next, select the menu option for “Status” -> “Know Your Vehicle Details”.
- Enter your vehicle registration number, chassis number, and engine number.
- Finally, click on Verify Details to see your vehicle information on the screen.
Where can you find your vehicle’s engine number?
To find the engine number on your vehicle, look for it on the engine itself. This code is the engine number. The chassis number is printed on the body of the vehicle.
Where is the chassis number?
The RC book can be found on the dashboard or the driver’s side door of the vehicle.
1. How can we Check the Vehicle Owner Details Online?
Ans- Visit the Parivahan site and Follow the Steps mentioned in the Article.
2. How to Check Vehicle Details Online?
Ans- There are Lots of apps that show you the Details of any Vehicle but I prefer you to check on Parivahan App.
3. How to Verify the Chasis Number of any Vehicle?
Ans- Verify the Chasis Number on the Mparivahan app and also Check on your RC where it is mentioned.
4. How to check Vehicle ownership First owner or Second Owner?
Ans- To check Vehicle Ownership you need to check the RC Details Online and Offline By Visiting RTO Office.
5. Is Checking Vehicle details Legal or Not?
Ans- Yes, But until you couldn’t Misuse those details Nowadays there will be More Secure.