UP78 Kanpur Nagar RTO, Vehicle registration & Contacts details :

if You Belongs to Uttar Pradesh and Your RTO is UP78 Kanpur Nagar RTO, Vehicle registration & Contacts details : , it is Good you, I Have All Vehicle registration & Contacts details of the RTO Kanpur Nagar UP78 RTO Vehicle registration office Contact Details, email address and address.
You can register your own vehicle and commercial vehicle at Uttar Pradesh – Kanpur Nagar Regional Transport Office (RTO) including motor cycles (two wheelers and three wheelers).

StateUttar Pradesh
State Transport CodeUP
RTO Code
RTO / Registration Office
AddressUttar Pradesh
Phone Number
UP78 Kanpur Nagar RTO, Vehicle registration & Contacts details :

UP78 Kanpur Nagar RTO Office Services

The RTO Office in Kanpur Nagar is part of the Uttar Pradesh Ministry of Road Transport. The Motor Vehicle Act 1988 came into effect on 1st July 1989 and according to this act, all motor vehicles must be registered at the concerned RTO office and be insured. Transport Department of Uttar Pradesh’s RTO office in Kanpur Nagar, UP78 provides the following services.

  • Conduct driving tests & Providing the Driving License (LLR / DL)
  • New vehicles registration
  • Conducting vehicles fitness test and issue fitness certificate at Kanpur Nagar RTO office
  • Motor Cycle / Any Vehicle – Transfer of Ownership
  • NOC Certificate for Registering the Vehicle at other State

How to Check the Vehicle Owner details of Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh?

Find out here who the owner is, where you can contact them, and what you need to do next.

UP57 Kushinagar RTO, Vehicle registration & Contacts details :

Steps to find Owner’s name, Engine Number, and Other Detailed information about any vehicle in UP

These are the steps to follow in order to receive all the information about a vehicle, including the engine number, the name of the owner, the chassis number, etc. So, let us get started –

  • Go to this website – https://parivahan.gov.in/rcdlstatus/
  • Once you have loaded the website, enter the state code, RTO code, and the alphabets in the registration number’s first box. For instance, UP78 XX
  • In the second text box, you need to enter the numeric value from the registration number.
  • Now, read the verification code from the image enter it in the box to check the status.


UP78 RTO Code?

UP78 is belongs to Kanpur Nagar registration and the address is Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh.

What is the UP78 Kanpur Nagar RTO Office Contact Number?

The Contact No is

What is the official website of UP78 Kanpur Nagar RTO office – Online service?

Kanpur Nagar RTO Office (UP78) Official website is http://uptransport.upsdc.gov.in/en-us/Online-Services

What is RTO ?

RTO stands for Regional Transport Office

Vehicle Challan in UP78 Kanpur Nagar How to Check ?

Visit the https://echallan.parivahan.gov.in/ and Enter the Vehicle Number or Challan No and Submit.

This Page give you All The Information About the UP78 Kanpur Nagar RTO, Contact Details, How to apply DL, Download the DL, Check the Car & Bike Owner Details, And Many More Services. Thankyou For Reading the Articles.

Official WebsiteClick Here
rtoservicesClick Here

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RTO JaunpurRTO UnnaoRTO NoidaRTO Bareilly
RTO BalliaRTO RaebareliRTO GhaziabadRTO Prayagraj
RTO AzamgarhRTO HardoiRTO MuzaffarnagarRTO Agra
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