Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence & Appointment for driving test

Are You Want to Book Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence & Driving Licence Slot in BR Bihar ?

Yes, We will discuss all the specifications for applying for a BR Driving Licence Slot Booking for in Bihar & driving test Appointment in DL , slot booking for driving licence parivahan in this article. How can applicants check the status of their application ? This includes the application process, booking slots, editing applications, re-issuing applications, testing stalls, editing forms, renewal applications, and many more. Additionally, we will discuss mock tests and samples for Learning test preparation. You will find this article to be an apt read if you are thinking about applying for a learner’s permit.

Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence :

Article CategoryLearning Driving Licence & Driving Licence application application
Application modeOnline
StateUttar Pradesh
Application Portal NameSarathi Parivahan Sewa
DepartmentMinistry of Road Transport & Highways
ObjectiveTo provide license
Parivahan Sarathi HelplineNumber- 0120-2459169
E-mail- [email protected]

As soon as you have completed the payment. Schedule a time for the test. Here are the steps to book a parivahan slot: Slot Booking for Driving Licence in Bihar

Slot Booking for Driving Licence in Bihar & Appointment for driving test :

You can easily book a slot on Parivahan’s website. Once you get the learner license, you must pass the computer exam. Once you get your learners license, you must pass the driving skill test. To book a driving skill test, you have to look at the date before you book. You have to make sure you are on time. Their thing you need to do is look at that date before taking the slot book. You will be free on that. This Article Give Full Information in Slot Booking for Driving Licence in Bihar ,slot booking time for driving licence & also Check parivahan slot booking time . Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence

Types of Driving License in Bihar

Driving license is issued in Bihar on the basis of following vehicle type:

  • Motor Cycle without gear: this category includes all motor vehicle types such as mopeds and scooters
  • Motor Cycle with gear: this category includes all other motor vehicles having gear
  • Light Motor Vehicle (NT): this category includes hatchbacks, sedans, etc.
  • Transport Vehicles: this category includes vehicles such as trucks, vans, buses, etc.
  • Invalid Carriage
  • Road Roller
  • Motor Vehicles of a specified description
  • Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence

How to book slots for computer test in Bihar

To apply for a learner licence in Bihar, you need to take a computer test. To take the computer test, you will need a slot book. Online appointment for driving licence

  • First visit the website at
  • Once you have opened Parivahan’s home page,
  • Select the Driving licence related services menu and choose your state.
Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence & Appointment for driving test
  • You will see the option for Appointment (Slot Book) on the left side of the page. Click on it to start.
Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence & Appointment for driving test
  • To book a LL test slot, go to the Slot Booking menu in the new window
Slot Booking for Driving Licence in Uttar Pradesh
  • There are two options to choose from: the application number or the Learne licence number.
Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence & Appointment for driving test
  • Enter your Application Number, Date of Birth, and Verification Code.
Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence & Appointment for driving test
  • After you have verified your information, you can select the class of vehicle and book it 
Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence
  • Your registered mobile number will receive a one-time password
  • You can then apply for a permanent driving license after verifying your one-time password 
Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence

Learning Licence Slot & slot booking for driving license Enquiry

You need to reserve a time slot as soon as possible if you are applying for the learner’s permit. You can follow the steps below to book a parivahan slot for your driver’s licence:

  1. Visit the official website of Sarathi.
  2. Click on the ‘Enquiry LL Slot’ option under the ‘Appointment’ tab on the homepage.
  3. The next page will open a new window where you must select the state name, code, and RTO name and code.
  4. Click the Submit button after selecting these details.
  5. Your screen will display all the slots.

Re-Slot booking Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence

Whenever you are in a condition that prevents you from taking the test on the booked slot after booking the slot. The slot can also be cancelled. Sarathi Parivahan offers this option on its official website.

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. You will find a tab titled ‘Appointment’ on the homepage, under that click on ‘Cancel LL Test Slot’.
  3. A new page will open, where you will need to enter your application number, DOB, and verification code. Click Submit below.
  4. Book a new slot after completing the verification process.

FAQ on Slot Booking for Driving Licence in Bihar

How to Book Bihar BR Slot Booking for Driving Licence ?

Chhattisgarh CG Slot Booking for Driving Licence

Booking an appointment consists of the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Choose the state concerned
3. Select “Appointments” from the menu.
4. Schedule an appointment
5. Bring original documents to the RTO on the scheduled date.
Note: This service is available in some states only

Slots Are Not Available For Next 30/60/90 Days, How To Book Appointment in Bihar ?

Slot Booking

To check the availability of a slot, follow these steps:
1. Visit
2. Select concerned state
3. Select “Appointments” from the menu.
4. Select the concerned state and RTO
5. Choose a date

How Can I Rebook/Reschedule The Slot Now For DL After Payment The Fees in Bihar?

Follow these steps to book/reschedule/cancel an appointment or slot:
1. Visit
2. Select concerned state
3. Click on “Appointments” and Select Service.
4. Take appointment
5. Visit RTO on scheduled date with original documents.
Note: This service is available in some states only.

How do I book my license test in BR Bihar ?

Booking an appointment consists of the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Choose the state concerned
3. Select “Appointments” from the menu.

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